Matthew Greenwood-Nimmo: Working Papers
SSRN Author ID: 1643826


Greenwood-Nimmo, M.J., Kocenda, E. and Nguyen, V.H. (202x). "Does the Spillover Index Respond Significantly to Systemic Shocks? A Bootstrap-Based Probabilistic Analysis". Submitted.
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Fry-McKibbin, R.M., Greenwood-Nimmo, M.J. and Qi, L. (202x). "Commodity Price Cycles and the Interdependence of Commodity and Equity Markets". Submitted.
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Cho, J.S., Greenwood-Nimmo, M.J. and Shin, Y. (202x). "Two-Step Nonlinear ARDL Estimation of the Relationship between R&D Intensity and Investment". Submitted.
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Greenwood-Nimmo, M.J., Shin, Y., Van Treeck, T. and Yu, B. (2013). "The Decoupling of Monetary Policy from Long-Term Rates in the U.S. during the Great Moderation".
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Greenwood-Nimmo, M.J. and Shin, Y. (2013). "Shifting Preferences at the Fed: Evidence from Rolling Dynamic Multipliers and Impulse Response Analysis".
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Greenwood-Nimmo, M.J., Kim, T.-H., Shin, Y. and Van Treeck, T. (2013). "Fundamental Asymmetries in US Monetary Policymaking: Evidence from a Nonlinear Autoregressive Distributed Lag Quantile Regression Model".
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Nguyen, V.H., Shin, Y., and Greenwood-Nimmo, M.J. (2012). "Reexamining Monetary Models of the Exchange Rate".
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Greenwood-Nimmo, M.J., Shin, Y. and Van Treeck, T. (2011). "The Nonlinear ARDL Model with Multiple Unknown Threshold Decompositions: An Application to the Phillips Curve in Canada".
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Greenwood-Nimmo, M.J. (2009). "Reassessing the 'Threat' of E-Money: New Evidence from the Euro Area".
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